THE GRATEFUL KITCHEN specializes in natural foods and snacks, free of additives, preservatives, and factory processing. We are committed to working with organic foods and local farms. Many of our products are gluten-free, vegetarian, or vegan. We change our menu weekly to ensure the freshest and finest quality products we can. We utilize recycled paperboard containers and compost our waste. Our goal is to get in your hands (and your mouth) the freshest handmade foods and snacks available, the way nature intended.

June 28, 2010

New Location in Rogers!

We are very excited to announce our new partnership with Rogers Natural Foods and Vitamins in Rogers, AR! Beginning Tuesday, July 6th, our commercial kitchen will be parked in the lot out front serving lunch and snacks! It's easy. Just stroll on up to the window to place your order. We'll fix it fresh and deliver it to you in the store for payment. New menus for the week to be posted Monday evenings. Please see the link for directions to the store! It's on 13th street, just north of Walnut. Come by and see me!!!

Our hours are Tuesday-Friday, 11-2 PM. Questions? Shoot me an email at