THE GRATEFUL KITCHEN specializes in natural foods and snacks, free of additives, preservatives, and factory processing. We are committed to working with organic foods and local farms. Many of our products are gluten-free, vegetarian, or vegan. We change our menu weekly to ensure the freshest and finest quality products we can. We utilize recycled paperboard containers and compost our waste. Our goal is to get in your hands (and your mouth) the freshest handmade foods and snacks available, the way nature intended.

February 1, 2009


It's been a chilly and wintery few days here in Northwest Arkansas! Hopefully all of you have power and warmth. Here at The Grateful Kitchen, it is business as usual. Experiments this week while holed up in the kitchen have included a red velvet cake made with sorghum flour and a rocking Mac-n-"Cheese". I am thinking of revamping the menu to include some items that contain dairy products for those celiacs who can tolerate them and am asking you all for feedback. Thoughts? Suggestions? Let me know! Until next time, STAY WARM!

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